Sunday, October 31, 2010

Liposuction Los Angeles - Liposuction cost

Liposuction Los Angeles
Like all surgery the more work the surgeon must do and the more time the surgery consumes the more money one must pay for the procedure. There are several different liposuction procedures and they all use different technology, the more advanced the procedure the more expensive the procedure will be. However one must take into account if the less invasiveness of the procedure is necessary. Some individuals cannot afford to take two to three weeks off of work and therefore undergoing a procedure that requires such extensive time off is out of the question. Also, some areas of the body require more sculpting than others and this will definitely add to one’s initial cost. Generally the cost of lipo ranges from $1,500 to $7,500. This cost varies depending on area of the body and location.

The breakdowns of liposuction cost go as follows:

  • Arms: $1,500-$5,000
  • Back: $ 1,500-$4,000
  • Upper and lower abdomen: $ 3,000- $7,500
  • Breasts: $3,000-$7,500
  • Buttocks: $ 1,500-$4,500
  • Chin, cheeks, jowls, neck: $2,000$-4,500
  • Flanks: $2,000- $5,000
  • Inner thighs and knees: $2,000-$5,000
  • Anterior thighs and knees: $ 2,000-$5,000
  • Hips/waist: $1,600-$5,000
The size of the patient influences the price of liposuction greatly because there is more fat to remove making the surgery last longer. There are several other factors that are not included in the initial cost estimate such as: operating room fees, anesthesia, lab work, and recovery garment costs. In areas where the surgeon is in high demand and the demographics are higher one can expect to pay more. Having ones Liposuction Beverly Hills area may be more expensive than having liposuction in other areas.

When looking to have plastic surgery one should not look for the best deal, but at the same time the fact that one pays more else where does not ensure that they have the best surgery or the best surgeon. If one is searching for the cheapest liposuction procedure they can find they should be aware of where they can go wrong. One must make sure that their surgeon is board qualified surgeon that attended medical school to receive their degree. Ask many questions about the procedure as possible, and go online and research the surgeon to the fullest extent. Although liposuction Los Angeles is optional surgery it is still serious surgery that can have very serious side effects.